secure messaging with coworkers via online

Optimizing Secure Chat Messaging for Business Communications

When you message or email your coworker, it can seem pretty protected, but if your company doesn’t have the right secure chat messaging system in place, you may be at risk of a hack. Since remote work is more popular than ever, having access to communicate with your employees or coworkers via a chat messaging system is essential. This blog will discuss ways you can keep your business communication secure, strategies to optimize, and how Fognigma can be a company to team up with if you want to stay protected. Read on for more!

Why Secure Chat Messaging Matters

No matter what is being discussed via chat messaging, everyone should understand that if it’s company information, it has to be protected. Data breaches and cyber threats happen every day, and it only takes one person to allow unauthorized users into a system to wreak havoc. Cyber attacks can result in significant financial losses as well as damage a company’s brand or reputation. Making sure your employees, coworkers, and even customers can have secure chat messaging is a sure way to protect them from prying eyes.

Key Techniques for Secure Messaging

Knowing what techniques big companies use to secure messaging is a great way to stay protected in this digital world. Fognigma has tons of strategies and tips below.


Encryption is the bread and butter of secure messaging. It primarily takes an original message or text and applies specific coding so that the text can only be read using a decryption key. We often call this code cipher text, where this code formats messages. This decryption key is only shared with users you want access to, meaning that intercepted messages can hardly ever be readable.


Steganography may seem like a mouthful, but it’s easy to understand. It’s the process where it can hide information you want hidden with non-sensitive data. This way, unauthorized users are completely blocked from accessing. It’s used as an extra layer of security so that the information can remain hidden no matter what.

Secure Communication Channels

If your company uses secure chat messaging frequently, consider investing in protected communication channels. Fognigma can help provide you with private networks like VPNS or other secure environments so that every department in your business can communicate freely.

Optimizing Secure Chat Messaging

To optimize secure chat messaging for business communications, consider the following strategies:

Centralize Your Communication Tools

The best way to ensure the safety of your software systems is to centralize your communication tools. This means that things like telephony, messaging, emails, file sharing, video conferencing, and more are all streamlined, preferably through a single platform. Luckily, Fognigma can help integrate all these things under one umbrella. Then, everything, as far as communication and safety go, is simplified and easy to use or monitor.

Prioritize User-Friendly Solutions

Obviously, everyone wants user-friendly programs to work with. The most frustrating thing can be trying to navigate your security solution and hitting a wall. Fognigma has a user-friendly interface that allows employees to get protected communication as well as collaboration services so that you don’t have to worry about it taking time away from productivity.

The Role of Fognigma in Secure Messaging

Fognigma, not like most companies, can do it all when it comes to online security. If you feel like your business’s information is open for attack, now is the time to get in touch with us. We can help with anonymity, network control, how visible you want your content or network, encryption, and secure network automation. We’ve worked with a handful of clients to create the best and most secure workplace, no matter where your employees or coworkers are located. Helping remote teams be more secure is our forte.

What’s considered not secure messaging?

You might think that messaging on a work computer or phone is secure enough to optimize chat messaging, but you’d be surprised. Many communication channels, like instant messaging apps or email, are perfect places for hackers to breach sensitive information. To avoid these risks, use security methods we’ve mentioned previously and stay vigilant. You never know when the next cyber attack will happen.

What can happen if cyber-attackers get access to my data?

Let’s say it’s too late. Cyber attackers are into your data. Now what? Once they’re in, they may steal stolen information and sell it on the dark web or save it for future attacks. There are a ton of different possibilities. The important thing is that if this does happen, get in touch with your IT professional as soon as possible so that they can mitigate the damage. Also, what you can do on your end is start changing all your passwords. This way, you can make it a little more difficult for hackers to get back into your login.


When you want to maintain confidentiality, you must ensure your company has essential secure chat messaging. Implement encryption, steganography, and secure communication. If you’re having trouble deciding where to begin, reach out to Fognigma. We can provide you with a user-friendly solution that integrates all these security features so that you’re not guessing if your information is safe; you’re knowing.

Ready to enhance your business communication security? Reach out to Fognima and experience the difference for yourself!

Network security and advanced encryption applications within computer code.

Enhancing Network Security Through Advanced Encryption Applications

Encryption is another way to protect your data from hackers or unauthorized users. This blog discusses how to maintain robust network security and explains how advanced encryption applications can enhance other areas of security. Read on for more!

Why Encrypt?

Of course, everything is open in the digital world, but much sensitive information is protected by encryption. So, what is encryption? Encryption is like a secret code that makes data unreadable to unauthorized users. You’d need a key or code of some sort to unlock it. There are multiple reasons for using encryption in this day and age.

Firstly, encryption helps verify a sender’s identification. This authentication method is great to make sure the sender is who they claim to be. Also, encryption is good for verification. When the sender sends proof of their identity, it can make sure both parties are legitimate in having access. However, without encryption, your sensitive data is at risk of being intercepted and misused, potentially leading to significant financial and reputational damage.

Another great reason encryption is great is for data consistency. Data can often be altered or changed, and encryption makes it much harder to do this. Encryption ensures the data is intact and not messed with.

Advanced Encryption for Network Security

If you are in a company or business dealing with sensitive information, advanced encryption applications are most needed. Dual encryption, which requires two levels of encryption, can help in protecting sensitive information. Also, it can remain a barrier to unauthorized access. So, how do you get this encryption software on for your network security? Companies like Fognigma are known for offering user-friendly network security services as well as strategies to keep in mind like:

  • Access Management:
  • Ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information.
  • Intrusion Prevention Systems:
  • Detecting and preventing unauthorized access attempts.
    • Zero-Trust Network Security Implementing WPA or WPA2 to enhance network encryption, ensuring a more secure environment.

Best Practices for Network Security

What can you do currently that is considered a good protocol for safe network security? There are a couple of things to remember, including avoiding default settings for any network name or password. Make sure your passwords are unique with complex combinations. Simple passwords are easy for hackers to solve and be able to gain access to your personal information. Also, make sure to monitor your network activity continuously. If you feel security threats are present, contact an IT professional to work to get them out. 

What is IOT Encryption?

IOT mainly means the Internet of Things, so incorporating encryption is securing communication and data between devices connected to the Internet. For instance, IOT encryption can be a network security software for remote teams to communicate with each other via message or email. These advanced encryption applications give hackers a lot harder time trying to break into the data and put up a safeguard wall so that only authorized devices or users can have access to communicate. A lot of businesses incorporate IOT encryption as part of their overall internet security strategy.

Benefits of Using IOT Encryption

  • Protection Against Cyber Threats: With the rapidly growing number of interconnected devices, the potential for cyber threats has also increased significantly. Using IOT encryption helps prevent these threats by securing data and communication channels between devices.
  • Secure Data: IOT devices often collect and transmit sensitive data, such as personal information or financial details. Advanced encryption applications ensure that this data remains protected during transmission, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many industries, such as healthcare and finance, must comply with strict data security regulations. Implementing IOT encryption helps businesses meet these standards and avoid potential penalties or legal repercussions.
  • Maintaining Brand Reputation: A data breach can have severe consequences for a company’s reputation and trust among customers. IOT encryption helps prevent such incidents, safeguarding the brand’s image and maintaining customer confidence.

What can happen if a hacker has a company’s data?

If, in a worst-case scenario, a hacker has access to your company’s data, there are a few possible outcomes. One is that there is a significant financial loss. Hackers can use sensitive financial information to their advantage and steal money from their customers or the company as a whole. Second, there can be data manipulation. So, if your company deals with important data, these hackers can alter or get rid of any information. Third, there is identity theft; with financial information, hackers can also access employees’ personal information, like their social security numbers. This can be stolen and then sold to others.

Finally, there may be legal consequences. After hackers have gotten into the company’s system, the company could face legal repercussions for not properly securing its data and compromising the personal information of its employees and clients. So, overall, it’s extremely important to take cyber security seriously and have protection in place.


Companies nationwide need security, whether it be to secure communication, files, virtual meetings, or any other sensitive data. To make sure it’s in safe hands, look into advanced encryption applications for better network security. Fognigma can point you in the right direction to strengthen your network. Just reach out to us today to learn more, and we will help your business stay secure in the online hacking world. Make sure to stay secure, stay vigilant, and take the first step toward a safer digital future.

Employee in back office operations working.

Encrypted Collaboration Tools & Their Benefits

Cyber threats are looming around every corner in today’s remote work landscape. Something as minor as clicking a link can destroy any safety net that was in place and leave a company’s data vulnerable to unauthorized users. To safeguard one’s communications, encrypted collaboration programs and services play a huge part in securing any information.

Secure collaboration tools are a necessity for remote work and efficient project management. Fognigma is prepared to help. Read more about how encrypted communication can provide a ton of benefits, as well as keeping privacy and confidentiality.

Secure Your Conversations with Fognigma

Lock on keyboard indicating security policies.

Employees should not worry about hacking risks when they send an email or want to discuss a meeting. Fognigma knows how important it is to have all communication confidential, no matter the subject. Our network can help employees deploy end-to-end encryption through tools that we design for the highest security. Messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, project management, and telephony have higher protection through security features.

A Private Network That Keeps You Invisible

An organization’s network should be private; however, outsiders make it their mission to access the infrastructure. With secure collaboration tools, that infrastructure will not have to face data loss. A secure collaboration software can rebuild or provide additional security. Once you erase a digital footprint, there will be no trace.

Flexible Deployments for Optimal Integration

Network solutions exist that can take data or team members’ information to a private cloud. This is all thanks to our hybrid provisioning system. This flexibility helps clients avoid vendor lock-in and choose the best integration security features. We can also access file sharing or user data protection with unique efficiency.

When using a secure collaboration tool you will see that simple things are private and safe from hacking risks. This goes for things like messaging on Microsoft Teams or putting in a password through a two factor authentication system.

Military-Grade Secure Collaboration Tools for Any Scenario

Computer software that can encrypt data.

What is better than military-grade security? Fognigma has secure collaboration tools that demand security features for remote workers to access user and enterprise data safely. These collaboration tools and services can provide an unmatched level of anonymity on a secure collaboration platform.

These tools eliminate the ability of unauthorized people to trace calls, get into slack enterprise key management data, and access file sharing. A company with these types of security features has the protection of robust firewalls, two-factor authentication, and more. Online meetings within Fognigma secure video conferencing will now have protection through covert communication.

Bespoke Security Features for Diverse Requirements

No matter what size your organization is, whether it be a small, classified agency or a database company, Fognigma is ready to help monitor security. Your stored data has protection through secure collaboration tools that can integrate seamlessly into third-party applications and platforms.

Our project management team can help guide you through zero-trust security protocols, data loss prevention, how to have secure collaboration, a centralized logging system, and more. This is all to do with ensuring there is cohesive protection in place for your team members.

Tailored Integrations for Your End to End Encryption Operations

The needs of each company are unique. Having specific collaboration tools in place can result in smoother operations. Our technical team members offer training on security protocols and can explain how to make sure everyone is using the secure collaboration tools correctly. With the internet presenting an abundance of threats, it is imperative to prioritize security to protect your communication.

What is the biggest barrier to secure collaboration?

At home employee working with sensitive information on laptop.

The biggest barrier to secure collaboration is the lack of awareness and understanding of cybersecurity risks. Employees throughout an organization should receive reminders about what secure collaboration tool is best and how to use the same security protocols that team members at Fognigma practice.

Oftentimes, a cyber threat becomes a hack because employees click a link they do not recognize or respond to an email from someone they do not know. Educating employees on common phishing tactics and the importance of using a secure collaboration platform can reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

Security measures through project management or a secure collaboration software can be complex and inconvenient; this can deter organizations from upgrading their systems. It is important to take time to invest into Fognigma’s secure collaboration tools, as cybersecurity is not something to ignore. With these online collaboration tools, you can have secure file sharing, protected task management, control access, and more. This extra layer of security is worth it.


Secure collaboration tools, such as Fognigma, fight against vulnerabilities to secure networks and protect sensitive communications. We live in a world where something as simple as project management can have hacking risks, and all the information from that can be visible to other unauthorized users. Whether it is messaging, video calls, file transfers, or telephony, these security controls are essential in maintaining protection against threats.

For anyone looking for the perfect blend of communication freedom and stringent security, Fognigma offers a solution to collaborate securely that can exceed expectations. Step into the future of secure communications with Fognigma – where every conversation has protection from prying eyes and every data transfer offers prevention against a security risk.

A group of remote workers and/or team members in modern workplaces.

The Top Encrypted Collaboration Tool for Secure Teamwork

Remote working is now a norm and being a remote employee is more than just working from home. Employees now have access to the company’s data and information in the privacy of their personal space. This can be a little scary, considering that data security risks or breaches and cyber attacks are becoming more common.

Companies must prioritize the safety of their data as well as their employees’ privacy. This is where secure collaboration tools have become essential to remote work. Employers want their teams to communicate with a level of security protocols to avoid security risks from hacking. Read more on why you should choose cloud-based solutions and how Fognigma can be a first choice in companies that provide secure teamwork.

Have Remote Workers Work Without Borders

A group of remote workers and/or team members in modern workplaces.

Imagine that you have a company that employs people all over the world. A modern workplace should be able to communicate across different countries, states, and cities. Covert communication software programs like Speakeasy are great ways to have employees connect in real time.

Communicating no matter where you are is great for sharing ideas, holding meetings, talking logistics, and more. The working without borders approach has become bigger than ever. Technology should support this whether they are working five minutes away or halfway across the globe.

Access Projects Anytime, Anywhere with Cloud Communication Software

video conference security

Considering that your workforce can work from anywhere, they should also be able to access their projects at any time.

As long as there is an internet connection, cloud software allows employees to work on a task regardless of the time or device. This can increase completion times, responsiveness, and overall better work. In remote work, team members crave flexibility and freedom to set their work hours. By providing this, companies can create a more content workforce.

Make Cloud Collaboration a Cost-Saving Initiative

A company should always be interested in how a program or service can be cost-saving. Luckily, software solutions like Fognigma are financially savvy and are great for securing your business’s information.

Becoming more online rather than needing a physical infrastructure is cost-saving on its own. You reduce the need for overhead costs as well as travel expenses and more. Virtual meeting capabilities are becoming more and more preferred. It can also help reduce the need to fly someone out to meet with a client or partner, saving on travel expenses.

Enhance Data Security with Cloud Communication Platforms

The most important thing when working with covert communication tools is to keep your data safe. Discussions about work schedules or metrics are confidential and in need of protection. Fognigma uses these programs to help safeguard data and other confidential information to prevent potential breaches.

Customize Your Business with Full Scalability

Freedom and flexibility in your business environment can make your employees content and produce amazing work. This entails the advantage of scalability. You can adjust your usage based on current needs and then scale up or down accordingly, which can help with efficiency and resource management.

Other Ways to Be Safe Online

When working remotely, there are different ways to safely handle project management. Think about doing weekly vulnerability scans, using a VOIP provider, or having video conferences instead of text messaging. These are all simple ways to change your daily work habits to something more protected while you work remotely.

Modern workplaces have so many new features and technology that it is hard to keep up. When you share files, you do not want to be concerned about someone hacking into them. This is where a top security company like Fognigma can help with safer remote work.

Potential Security Risks A Business Can Face Today

When a company or business is remote working, there are tens of thousands of security risks employees could face. Without a secure collaboration platform, sensitive information could be breached. As a result, they may also see strangers getting access management to personal devices.

Ensure that your team is actively learning about security awareness training. This way they will know the proper way to incorporate collaboration tools most safely. Also, annual data breach tests can help maintain security and minimize risks overall. Ask your security teams to install multi-factor authentication on a remote access level so that collaboration tools are safer from potential threats.

When Did Remote Work Start Getting Popular?

A globe wearing a mask to demonstrate communications that were disrupted during COVID19.

Remote work has always been around but it became popular around 2020 when COVID happened. Most workers ended up working from home out of safety from being around other individuals. This is when secure collaboration tools like Speakeasy became essential programs.

Security protocols also became more important than ever. Being able to access management and personal and business information in your home can be risky. Hackers can get into personal devices and business systems if security, such as multi-factor authentication, is not in place. Large and small businesses all over the world were monitoring and focusing on their security more than ever.

Where can Security Services Help?

This is where Fognigma can help safeguard your systems from unknown users. If you do not want to risk your information being an organization’s asset, contact our reliable security team.

Fognigma – The Pioneer of Secure Teamwork on a Cloud Communication Platform

If you are considering taking your online network to more secure heights, Fognigma is a company to consider. We work with organizations that cannot afford to take a risk in data breaches. We have software to ensure their network is as secure as possible.

Whether it is a small business or large, we provide software solutions for any size environment. There are protected solutions for home networks, online meetings, video calls, project management, and more in a secure remote work environment.

We use a zero-trust system with encrypted collaboration tools to save time in monitoring for potential breaches. Our services are more than just adding multi-factor authentication. We ensure that unknown users are not accessing your organization’s information.


The need for secure collaboration tools is clear and present. Security solutions offered by Fognigma emerge as crucial assets for businesses and many users. They are the linchpins in building a robust, secure, and flexible collaborative environment.

If your organization or organizations need help in security or a protected way of communication, reach out to us. We can implement our services for all devices, phone numbers, outdated systems, and more.

Visit to learn more about our encrypted communication solutions. Our services can empower your team with secure, scalable, and secure collaboration tools.

encrypted collaboration tools, cloud communications software, covert communication, military encrypted phone, secure remote work environment

What are Encrypted Collaboration Tools?

encrypted collaboration tools, cloud communications software, covert communication, military encrypted phone, secure remote work environment

Encrypted tools are used all around the world by top-level companies. They help keep most minds at ease regarding securing digital communication and data sharing with an additional layer of protection. These tools also provide end-to-end encryption to protect sensitive information and have the ability only to allow intended recipients to access it. This is great to have in the digital era, especially considering how common it is to get hacked. Read more on how Fognigma can help your user privacy and cloud communications through specific security tools and more.

Encrypted Communication

As a professional enterprise, remote work companies will want their communication to be fully protected and not available for all. Having unauthorized people access your communication can result in leaked information or even stolen data like phone numbers, management communications, etc. With Fognigma’s cloud communications software, you will be ensured that your conversations are safe and secure. This is great for companies that work with sensitive information daily.

This means that in an instance to be safe, information can be transformed into a code that can only be deciphered by the intended recipient with a unique key. This process ensures that even if a communication or file is intercepted, it remains unreadable to anyone without the proper access. This level of security is crucial for organizations that handle sensitive information.

Security Awareness Training

It is important to bring your remote work team up to speed on what is considered a spam email or link. This can avoid a massive breach of data in your company. Fognigma’s secure, encrypted telephony also offers security awareness training for its users. In this training, employees will learn how to identify threats and react accordingly to protect sensitive information. This way, the risk of accidental data leaks or breaches is greatly reduced.

Covert Communication on a Cloud Communication Platform

Fognigma can help provide covert communication through its reliable and A-grade platforms. Having your communication available to anyone can be a thing of the past. Fognigma can help users conceal identities, contact information, mobile phone information, and more to minimize risks while sending messages on platforms like Microsoft Teams or making calls. This feature can be a game-changer for remote work companies that operate in high-risk environments or deal with confidential matters daily. These security protocols allow for covert communication without the fear of being tracked or intercepted.

Military Encrypted Phone

This type of tool is a perfect example of how advanced technology can be. It encrypts all calls, like video calls, voice calls, messaging, and more. It is almost impossible for someone to hack or intercept these conversations.

Eavesdropping from unauthorized users is eliminated. This level of security is a standard for military personnel and top-level government officials. With new features like self-destructing text messaging and switching between public and private modes, Fognigma’s military encrypted security phone services give firms an extra layer of security through covert communication.

Password-Protected Documents

Have employees in remote work ever had a document they have created and wanted it to be password protected? Fognigma can help. Professional team members can now access and work on files together safely without worrying about compromised information leaks or servers. Also, things like instant messages, screen sharing, and file-sharing capabilities can be protected. All sensitive information can be available for access management with a password or PIN only authorized personnel will have. This process allows for safe and effective teamwork, making it an important tool for any organization. Suppose an office needs help keeping its systems protected through basic security solutions. In that case, consider a business like Fognigma to provide solutions that can help monitor and support your overall communications. Devices and other technology used for corporate communications can be perfect networks for hackers to control and potentially leak confidential data.

Secure File Sharing: Send Large Files Anonymously Through Cloud Communication Platforms

File sharing should be easy and manageable as far as security risks go. Many businesses need help with sending or sharing files over the internet without compromising the information and maintaining security. With Fognigma’s cloud communication platforms, secure file sharing is now possible. This allows employees to easily and safely send any document or file they need without worrying about unauthorized persons accessing it. This is particularly useful for organizations that need to transfer large amounts of sensitive information on a regular basis.

Offline Editing: Remote Working from Anywhere Safely

Remote working has its perks, but working within a secure and safe server is harder than it sounds. Many firms can experience hackers more frequently if they work remotely. Offline editing is a great feature that many remote workers take advantage of when they are working from a location with no internet access or want to ensure maximum security.

With Fognigma’s software, users can edit documents offline, and once back online, the changes will be automatically synced with the server. This allows for efficient remote working without compromising on security. This key feature is handy for organizations with remote or traveling employees who need to stay productive while maintaining a high level of security teams.

Summary of Encrypted Tools

Overall, encryption security is much needed if you are working with confidential information and other online matters. Fognigma can offer advanced levels of privacy, security risks, security protocols, and more key features to remain anonymous and confidential in this digital era. Check out their key features like encryption, covert communication, VoIP provider, multifactor authentication, secure file sharing, and more. Do not wait until it is too late. Get in touch with Fognigma today to bring your organization to the next level regarding being the most secure remote work environment.


4 Ways Automation Can Improve Your Organization’s Cybersecurity

The new year is here, and that means new threats. Is your organization prepared?

With the exponential increase in the number and types of cyber attacks, preparation and response are more important than ever. But according to an Enterprise Strategy Group study, IT departments ignore 74% of security incidents or alerts. And that’s not just due to negligence – teams are simply unable to keep up with the number of threats.

Automation is an obvious solution, and with the virtualization of computer systems in the 2010s and more recent technology, it’s far more feasible. Here are 4 four ways automation improves organizational security.

Reduced risk from human error

Even if an IT team has the personnel to manage the volume of threats, that’s only half the issue. The downside of virtualization is that it creates greater complexity – larger networks, Internet of Things devices, digital instances, and more. Networks have become less and les homogenous, and each element composing them is a potential vulnerability. Even the most capable cybersecurity experts are prone to fatigue, carelessness, or other inherent human flaws, but attackers work 24/7, leveraging automation, AI, and other new tech for their attacks. One absentminded misconfiguration can result in millions of dollars of loss.

These instances of human error are what automation seeks to correct, and cloud-based infrastructure makes it accessible at scale. This is what a recent comprehensive study of cybersecurity automation called the “new frontier” – the automation of the design and deployment of security and network architecture, firewalls, VPN gateways, and other cyber defenses.

Increased operational efficiency

When sensitive data or human lives are on the line, every second matters. Automating the deployment and management of resources, administrative tasks, encryption key generation and management, and other elements required for secure communication and collaboration allows agents in the field and at headquarters to be more prepared for sudden changes, new threats, or other risks.

According to Eran Barak, CEO and co-founder of the security firm Hexadite (purchased by Microsoft in 2017), automation goes beyond just prevention and detection of threats. It’s about policy execution, alert monitoring and prioritization, incident response planning, and investigation, action, and remediation. Incorporating automation at every level enables organizations to not only detect threats, but enhance readiness and respond at every operational level.

Reduced cost

Time is money, and that’s especially true for any organization relying on cloud-based infrastructure. There are several commercial cloud providers available, but resources aren’t always needed 24/7/365. On the one hand, constantly running resources even when not in use will accumulate larger costs. On the other hand, it requires significant manual administrative effort to constant destroy and redeploy resources. And this isn’t going to be feasible for some operations that require a fast pace and high level of preparedness.

Automating the deployment of needed resources can ensure you get the best of both worlds, keeping costs down while ensuring resources are always available when needed. This is also true for security automation. In 2018, the Center for Strategic and International Studies estimated that the worldwide cost of cyberattacks was around $600 billion, and was expected to rise to 6 trillion annually in 2021.

Easier integration & collaboration

Collaboration is important, but it comes with security risks. It takes time to integrate new users into a system without compromising security, especially if they’re not necessarily trustworthy. It takes IT and security significant time to manage this, depending on the systems they use. On top of that, fatigue can be a significant issue over time. As incidences increase and operations proceed, this can be a devastating issue. Automating security practices for incorporating and maintaining new users can address these issues, while reducing human error risks like inexperience, fatigue, and carelessness.

With networks becoming increasingly complex over time, and cyber attacks becoming more complex and frequent, it’s clear that automation will continue to be a key security tool in 2024 and beyond. Learn more today on how Fognigma can help your networks become automated & secure. 


Fognigma SOF Week 2023 Press Release

Dexter Edward to demo Fognigma’s secure communication & collaboration, data security, mission partner network capabilities at SOF WEEK 2023.

Dexter Edward will be attending SOF WEEK 2023 as an exhibitor from May 8-11th at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida to demonstrate several communication and collaboration capabilities from the Fognigma product line suited for a wide variety of SOCOM operations in contested digital environments.

Fognigma is a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software that can create complete standalone mission environments in the cloud, complete with a variety of communication and collaboration tools incorporating end-to-end encryption, managed attribution, network & user anonymization and obfuscation, smart firewalls, and other security features. The product is now available for purchase via ITES-SW2 and SEWP V.

The following Fognigma capabilities will be demoed during the exhibition:

Speakeasy. A self-owned, cloud-hosted videoconferencing solution that generates unique, disposable, user-specific misattributing access paths to conferences.

Virtual Desktops (VDIs). Sandboxed, anonymizing cloud-hosted desktop instances deployed with a wide variety of mission tools for communication & collaboration, data collection & analysis, and more.

Holler. A cloud-based telephony solution that protects user numbers, identities, and locations through several customizable voice & SMS capabilities for a wide variety of mission communication scenarios with trusted and untrusted parties.

Wicket & Netcutter. A hardware device that protects the Internet activities of users and devices, facilitates connections to Fognigma’s private communication & collaboration networks, generates location-based network exit nodes, and provides remote LAN access capabilities.

fognigma sof week

Fognigma is a Technology Readiness Level 9 product that has been awarded nearly two dozen patents, and is ISO 9001:2015 accredited and FIPS 140-2
validated. The product undergoes regular penetration testing from multiple third parties, and new versions are developed, tested, and released regularly to improve security and add new capabilities driven by customer needs.

For more information on Fognigma’s capabilities, please visit booth #805 on the upper level at SOF WEEK 2023.

vdi file transfer

Secure File Sharing in the Era of Remote Work

New world, new rules

Two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear that remote work isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Companies scrambled in 2020 to pivot to fully remote working environments, and while some have shifted back to in-office or even hybrid environments, the need remains for secure and remotely accessible resources like file servers and videoconferencing solutions for employees scattered across the country, and sometimes around the world.

This abrupt shift to these decentralized collaboration environments opened created a world of opportunity for hackers. In the past, centralized headquarter environments granted a high degree of control to allow cybersecurity and IT professionals to manage company security more effectively.

But today’s working world is riddled with new variables – unsecured home networks, IoT devices, the use of personal devices for work, and lack of individual understanding of best security practices and common threats, to name a few. And when 88% of data breaches are caused by human error (according to a study conducted by Stanford University), the risk is too high, especially for a resource like a file server, where large numbers of users are likely uploading and downloading files frequently.

File servers in particular are a gold mine for malicious actors as much as they are essential to remote work environments. But can you keep them safe?

Can yesterday’s solutions work in today’s remote world?

Encryption is the most obvious solution for protecting file servers, but it has its downsides:

  • Time and effort. Private key infrastructure (PKI) can be an effective way to protect connections between an individual and another individual, group, or server, but is tedious to set up and maintain. A user must generate their own public and private key pair, store the private key safely, and share the private key with the person or server they’re trying to reach (use that person or server’s public key). Worse, to use the same encryption key on another device, the user would need a secure way to transfer the private key to the new device to ensure it can’t be captured in transit. While this may be a standard practice for familiar users, those unfamiliar with cybersecurity basics may find this method inaccessible. And with remote employees spread far and wide in questionably secure locations (sometimes across the world), IT support can be a costly and time-consuming nightmare for everyone involved.

  • Key ownership. Popular file-sharing services like Dropbox claim to use encryption to protect their users’ data, but they hold the encryption keys, and the encryption is broken at their central server. So if their servers are compromised by unauthorized access or insider attacks, any user communications with those servers could be leaked to a third party. In other words, if they’re compromised, so are you.

The demands of the current remote work climate require a user-friendly solution that provides the best security features available and limits the potential for human error.

Erebus: The encrypted file server for a remote world

Erebus is a cloud-hosted secure file storage system that uses built-in patented encryption software (Conclave) to encrypt files and automate management user encryption keys.

Security features at a glance

  • Symmetric and asymmetric (end-to-end) hybrid encryption

  • Perfect forward secrecy (PFS) protocol

  • Two layers of AES-256 encryption with 4096-bit initial key exchange

  • FIPS 140-2 validation

  • Immunity from IPv4, IPv6, DNS, and WebRTC attacks

  • User-specific encryption at rest

Fully automatic encryption key management with Conclave

Erebus uses Conclave encryption technology to automate the management of encryption keys for users and the Erebus server, eliminating the need for cumbersome manual key configuration, and by extension, the possibility of a data breach caused by human error.

When Erebus access is activated for a user, the software generates a dedicated proxy instance that handles encryption keys between the Conclave server and Erebus server. Users receive the full protection Conclave has to offer, without needing to rely on tedious and complicated encryption configurations. Accessing and using Erebus is as simple as signing in and uploading or downloading files in just a few clicks – while Conclave handles the rest and keeps them protected.

Secure access and file management

Whether on a desktop or mobile device, Erebus users never access the file server directly. Instead, a dedicated third-party proxy instance is generated for each Erebus user. These instances act as intermediaries in the connection, ensuring potential snoopers are misdirected and the server is protected. Not even your own users need to know where the server is hosted, adding another layer of protection against human error and insider attacks.

These user access URLs can be generated, re-generated, or destroyed in just a few clicks. Uploaded files can also be configured so they’re destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time or downloads.

Simple and intuitive access control

Erebus servers can be configured in minutes, and administrators can easily control user access to files and the capabilities within Erebus using groups and permission assignments.

All data is individually encrypted for each user assigned access to specific files, so as user permissions are modified, the data itself is modified to suit that permission. This ensures that when user access is removed, users will no longer be able to decrypt the relevant data.

Dual Encryption Methods

Securing Your Network In A Bring Your Own Device World

When the entire world shifted to remote working, many companies did not have bulk technology available to let their employees take home to continue doing their job. This forced many to enforce ‘bring your own device’ or in other terms, they had to let their employees use their personal devices to continue working from home. Although this may seem like a benefit, the cyber security challenges and privacy concerns of using personal devices will cost companies more in the long run.

The Risks Of Employees Bringing Their Own Devices

Data Leakage

When employees access company information using their personal devices, especially from anywhere, it increases the possibility of company data being leaked. Mobile devices are the most susceptible to attacks. Additionally, mobile devices and tablets require frequent updates to prevent security loopholes, and if one update is missed and an employee has company data on their device, your company’s data becomes extremely vulnerable.

Higher Chances of Vulnerabilities

When employees access data from their personal devices, its nearly impossible for companies to track what data is saved on their devices. With that, if any employee connects to a public or suspicious WiFi signal, loses their phone, or forgets to install an update, whatever company data is on that device is at risk.

Malware Infections

Employees are not as careful on their personal devices as they need to be. If any employee unintentionally downloads malicious malware on their device, which is connected to the rest of the company’s network, depending on what type of malware it is, it could end up connecting to other devices on your company’s network. This would allow unauthorized users to gain access to usernames, passwords, and sensitive data posing a huge security risk.

Protecting Your Network While Allowing Your Employees To Use Their Own Device

Limit Access

Giving employees access to everything in the company is a huge security vulnerability. Employees only need access to the stuff they need to do their jobs. To ensure your company’s network security, you need to implement role-based access into your cyber security strategy. This limits employees access to only systems and data required for their job roles.

Two Factor Authentication

Nowadays, both passwords and physical devices can be stolen, which is why many companies are implementing two-factor authentication on their employee’s accounts. Two-factor authentication requires users to have two pieces of information to confirm identities before accessing whatever account they are trying to login to. Most two-factor authentication processes have a strong password with a second factor like a code sent via text message or phone. This ensure safety because even if a password were hacked or a device was stolen, the criminal would need the second piece of information to gain access to the account.

Enable Network Access Controls

Network Access Control (NAC) only lets devices connect to a network that are up to date on their software. Devices that are not will be denied access. This will save your company from a significant amount of vulnerabilities.

Lost or Stolen Protocols

Having a policy in place regarding when a device is lost or stolen will safeguard your data that is stored on that device. Its important to be able to remotely wipe the data that is on the device so that unauthorized users cannot use the device to access corporate data.

A Trusted Software Solution

In a bring your own device world, companies need a solution that secures their data no matter where their employees work, and what they are working on. Fognigma’s trusted patented software solution lets organization’s build secure, invisible, adaptable, networks anywhere, on any device, in minutes. Inside a Fognigma Network, users can quickly and easily deploy end-to-end encrypted, traceless communication and collaboration tools such as messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, phone calling, and more. Through Fognigma’s user-friendly interface, office administrators can create and assign users groups, ensuring employees only have access to the resources needed to do their job. Using simple software or hardware, users can instantly secure their connections and safely access company information from anywhere on any device. At the end of the workday, Fognigma Networks and resources can be destroyed in just a few clicks, ready to be redeployed the next day.

Contact us for more information on how Fognigma can protect your company data, on any device!

free vpn

The Most Important Network Security Best Practices

Thanks to COVID-19, most businesses are sharing sensitive company data, communicating with one another, and collaborating on projects virtually. Although the internet provides a great space for businesses to stay connected while most users are working from their homes. There is a downfall to this virtual connectivity – network attacks. The PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2020 states that, the average number of frauds per company reported is about 6, which comes out to equal billions of US dollars lost because of these crimes. With so many threats and so much at stake, even the best network security teams cannot keep up. Companies should be following these measures to protect their business against the multitude of cyber-security dangers. 

Maintain Software

One of the easiest, but most effective, solutions for network security is to update current antivirus software. Its imperative software updates are installed immediately as they become available. However, although valuable, this one single solution is not enough, especially since today’s threats are more sophisticated than ever. 

Make Visibility A Priority 

Most organizations think of their network security as a force repelling incoming enemies, and fail to realize that the people inside their walls are the biggest threat. According to Security Intelligence, 75% of security breaches come from insider threats. Most of these cases being unintentional but how can companies prevent insider threats? By monitoring their user’s activity within their network and restricting access to certain websites. By tracking what your users are doing, companies become aware of the situations and can see what actions happened that may have compromised their companies’ network.

Restrict User Permissions 

While most insider threats are accidental, the intentional ones are the ones that cause the most damage. Most insider threats are from upset or former employees who leak/steal sensitive company information. Although it is common for most businesses to restrict access for each employee, giving users access to everything is a huge security risk. To keep your company and employees safe, employees should only have access to the resources they need to perform their job. Furthermore, organizations need to realize the malicious risks associated with employees using their own devices for work purposes. By using company-provided devices you are in control of what is on it and the accesses employees have. 

Establish A Security Policy 

Just by setting clear expectations and guidelines for your users can make the biggest difference. To be proactive and see where your policies fall short, perform a security risk analysis, and make adjustments where needed. To ensure employees are contributing to your network security, provide on-going security training. Its also beneficial to have a security expert on-staff, for users to reach out to when further clarification or assistance is needed. 

Backup Your Data

A benefit of digital information, is that copies can easily be made. This allows organizations to copy their data information and store it in a separate, secure location off their network. This gives organizations something to refer to in case of a cyber-attack. It is important to regularly backup your data, so one data breach doesn’t ruin your entire organization. 

Third Parties Are Just As Dangerous

If internal users represent such a huge part of data breaches, then third parties are just as dangerous. When organizations work with third parties, they need to access company information somehow. Giving them network access will create more entry points which creates more entry points available for malicious attacks. It is important to evaluate the third parties you are working with carefully and restrict their access as much as possible. 

Education Is Key 

Organizations can have a solid security strategy in place, but if their employees are not complying, your network will always be vulnerable. Securing your data and the users using the data should be a top priority. Train your employees on how to recognize and report threats, what to do to prevent them, and using/accessing data according to your company’s policy. Educating your users on how to protect your network is a huge step towards company cyber safety. 

Be Prepared 

You never really know when a threat is going to happen, so being prepared for the worst is crucial. Organizations must constantly monitor their networks for threats, analyze and fix the threats that do come through, and stay-up-date on cybersecurity best practices and trends. 


Fognigma’s Network Solutions 

Fognigma provides a variety of software and hardware solutions, that allows enterprises to completely secure their network connections. All solutions are wrapped in FIPS 140-2 validated, cascading AES-256 encryption. Fognigma’s network solutions include:

Fognigma VPN: A specialized VPN built providing streamlined, user-friendly access to private collaboration services, traceless Internet access, and discreet communications. 

Wicket: A portable misattribution device that connects to a Fognigma Network and protects single users and small groups, as well as IoT and other network-enabled devices. 

Gateway: A misattribution device for a headquarters environment or other facility, which provides multiple users access to multiple Fognigma Networks, over a hidden, protected network connection.