Biggest Challenge of Working Remotely - Fognigma

Fognigma Solves Biggest Challenge of Working Remotely

Biggest Challenge of Working Remotely - Fognigma

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely is effective collaboration. 

In an office environment, everything is in a single, secured location. We take for granted how easy it is to efficiently communicate and interact with other people, our data, documents, and other files we need each day. 

Remote work introduces several variables that can make secure, effective collaboration a logistical nightmare. Outdated technology and software, unsecured home networks, and limited access to company information can create major security risks and make collaboration a hassle. 

With Fognigma, the biggest challenge of working remotely is solved, organizations can collaborate seamlessly and securely from anywhere – just as effectively as from the office. 

Using Fognigma’s cutting-edge, customizable VPNs, organizations can: 

Communicate face-to-face in a secure video conferencing server: Fognigma’s video conferences are completely encrypted, live on servers entirely owned by your organization, are completely private, and invisible to everyone but the parties involved. 

Safely store and share sensitive company information on a secure file server: With Fognigma, secure file sharing is made easy. Users can download, upload, and share sensitive company information. Furthermore, special links can be created if specific files needs to be shared with outsiders. 

Send messages and files protected with end-to-end encryption to anyone in your organization: Fognigma’s technology simplifies and automates the encryption, allowing users to easily send secure messages and files to anyone in their organization.

Biggest Challenge of Working Remotely Solved With Fognigma

Access company resources and the Internet from traceless, sandboxed VDIs: Using Fognigma’s VDIs, users can anonymously browse the Internet, access company resources and more while appearing to be anywhere in the world. Users Internet activity leaves no footprint of where they went, removing the risk of hackers tracking where they went or what organization they belong to. 

Obscure and misattribute phone numbers to protect calls and texts: With Fognigma, users can text and call without revealing their true numbers or what is said during the conversation. 

Fognigma makes safe, effective remote collaboration easy – for everyone, no matter where they are. With Fognigma, your organizations biggest challenge while working remotely is solved! 

Don’t let remote work hinder your organizations business operations. Solve your organizations biggest challenge with Fognigma. Contact us to learn more. 

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Benefits of Using a Fognigma VPN While Working Remote

Fognigma VPNs While Working Remote

Organizations all over the United States have closed their doors and implemented work from home policies due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. With that, security is most likely the number one concern in organizations right now. 

Fognigma Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are the ideal solution when it comes to security concerns, especially during this work from home time. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of using Fognigma VPNs and how your organization can benefit from using them while working remote. 

Benefits of Fognigma VPNs

Encryption and Connection Security: Every connection within a Fognigma network features two layers of encryption, using two-separate cryptographic libraries, which means that Fogngima networks are immune to zero-day cryptographic compromises. You don’t ever have to worry about your data being exposed. 

Total Network Invisibility: Fognigma allows your traffic to hide in the vast pool of IP addresses allocated to the millions of people who are using the Cloud at any one time, recycling IPs that have been used by others in the past and will be used by others in the future. All access to the Fognigma network is protected by firewalls, so your networks and nodes do not appear to exist when scanned, probed, or attacked. 

Anonymity Without Compromise: With Fognigma’s technology, no one can trace your networks back to you or your organization. 

Secure Network Automation: Using Fognigma’s built in scheduling feature, you can completely automate production of VPNs and resources, allowing your organization to create secure, fully encrypted networks without the need for dedicated operators. Users can instruct the engine to create, edit, or destroy VPNs and resources automatically at different times on specific days of the week. This streamlines the VPN setup process and allows your organization to accomplish more, while spending less time on the network management. 

How can Organizations Benefit from using Fognigma VPNs While Working Remote?

VPN While Working Remote - Fogngima VPN

Fognigma VPNs are Easily Deployable: Your entire organization can be secured in on-demand networks in just the click of a mouse. This leaves less time for unnecessary security steps, and more time to focus on necessary job responsibilities. 

Completed with Secure Communication and Collaboration Tools: Fognigma networks are equipped with all the communication and collaboration tools organizations need to work from home. Video conferencing, encrypted telephony, secure file servers, sandboxed VDIs, and user specific message and file encryption are all components available within Fognigma networks. 

Burned After Use:  When users are done working for the day, Fognigma networks can be destroyed in the click of a mouse leaving absolutely no forensic footprint. Then, spun back up when remote users are ready to start working the next day. 

Fully Encrypted: Every connection within a Fognigma network is encrypted with AES-256 encryption. Whether your users have a team video conference, share sensitive documents in the group chat or browse the internet for company research they are completely secure. 

Networks Are Only On When You Need Them: Fognigma networks are not time consuming, expensive and high maintenance networks, they are on-demand and only exist when users in your organization need them. 

Fognigma networks are the perfect solution when it comes to securing your entire organization while your users are working from home. Fognigma networks are completely private to your organization and invisible to third parties. Everything organization’s need to do their job, whether in the office or at home, are inside of Fognigma networks. 

It’s not too late to secure your organization. Get started with Fognigma VPNs today. 


Easily Secure Your Organization’s Remote Work Environment

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many companies with little time to prepare for remote working. There is no doubt, this leaves the door open for vulnerabilities when it comes to companies sensitive information. 

During this trivial time, its imperative employees continue to effectively work even remotely. But how can they do so when they work with confidential company information and don’t want to risk potential intrusion? 

With Fognigma, remote work environments are made easy. Your entire company, no matter the size, no matter the location, can have secure remote work environments up and running quickly. 

Fognigma lets you create and deploy custom VPNs in minutes, and is completed with secured communications and collaboration solutions such as: 

Video Conferencing - Fognigma


Video conferencing with screensharing and chat features

Users can virtually communicate face-to-face in trusted and untrusted environments. Video conferences are completely encrypted at both ends for total protection, globally accessible, and supported on devices running all major operating systems. 

Private, encrypted telephony networks with conference calling, and chat server integration

Holler is an encrypted telephony service that uses interchangeable SIP numbers from around the world to provide specialized voice calling configurations for any situation. Holler allows users to speak and text with third parties without revealing their true numbers. Holler leverages intermediary SIP numbers to ensure user anonymity. 

Secure File Sharing - Fognigma

Secure file servers

Secure file sharing has never been easier. Users just connect to their enterprise’s secure file share, and then treat is as an extension of their computer’s file system. Drag and drop to copy/move files in the file share. Additionally, special public links can be created if files need to be shared outside of the enterprise. Outside users will only be able to access the files and/or folders that were specifically shared with them. 


Sandboxed VDIs with secure local file transfer, file server integration, and more

Fognigma’s VDIs allow users to anonymously browse the Internet while appearing to be in almost any location around the world, can be destroyed within just a few mouse clicks, and can be completely customized to enterprises needs.  

End-to-end, user specific message and file encryption

Communications are protected by cascading AES-256. This chat messaging solution can be used anywhere in the world and works on any device running any major operating system.  Private and public groups can be created and destroyed as needed to ensure messages only get to those intended for. 

Through Fognigma’s user-friendly interface, you can automate and schedule custom VPN production, create and assign users and groups, and more. 

Using simple software or hardware solutions, users can secure their connections and safely access these resources from anywhere – whether at home or traveling. At the end of the workday, VPNs and resources can be destroyed in just a few clicks, ready to be redeployed the next day. 

Fognigma is the ultimate solution for a secure, easy to use, scalable remote work environment. 

Contact Dexter Edward to secure your companies work environments. 

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Communication & Collaboration Solutions for Remote Work

With the recent restrictions on large gatherings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies all over the United States are implementing a work from home policy. With these abrupt changes come new security vulnerabilities – and little time to prepare for them. 

In an office environment, you can manage risks by creating a secure networking environment and implementing and enforcing security policies in your day to day operations. Remote work introduces countless variables – especially on such short notice – with each employee’s home connection creating a potential vulnerability. 

For companies that have implemented a work from home policy, sensitive data is more vulnerable than ever. Without the protection and convenience of a singular secured networking environment, cybersecurity measures for remote workers must be adaptable, easy to implement, and user-friendly. 

Dexter Edward specializes in cybersecurity solutions that allow users to communicate and collaborate securely and seamlessly, whether in the office, at home, or traveling for work. With a wide variety of products for any networking environment, Dexter Edward provides solutions to protect remote workers and company communication and collaboration from attackers. 

Fognigma Virtual Private NetworkNETWORK ANONYMITY

Fognigma VPN

Fognigma VPN is a specialized, customizable virtual private network (VPN) that provides streamlined, user-friendly access to protected communication and collaboration services, including file servers, chat servers, VDIs, and more. Fognigma provides anonymity without compromise, offering complete network control and management, total network invisibility, encryption and connection security, advanced firewalling, and secure network automation. 


A Wicket is a small, portable misattribution device that connects to a Fognigma VPN and protects single users and small groups, as well as IoT and other network-enabled devices. Wickets are easy to use, making them ideal for securing a home environment – users connect their device to the Wicket, and it automatically creates a secure connection to a Fognigma Network, allowing them to freely access protected resources without risk. 


Content Encryption - Fognigma


Conclave is an encrypted communication solution featuring end-to-end message and file encryption. Your team can send messages and share files, and Conclave automatically completes end-to-end encryption, so correspondence never exists in the clear outside of the users devices. This prevents eavesdroppers from accessing information while it’s in transit. Conclave works with all major operating systems and mobile platforms, providing seamless, secure access to messages and shared files from smartphones, laptops, or desktops. 

With Conclave, your team can communicate and collaborate quickly and securely – without the need for complicated, time-consuming encryption steps or additional security training. 




Portal Proxy

Portal Proxies are instantly generated PaaS instances that disguise the location of important resources and act as intermediaries for Fognigma engine requests to cloud providers. When users access a Portal Proxy, the Internet provider receives a request for the users to access a third-party PaaS provider website, and the destination website receives a request from the PaaS provider website. The true destination is hidden to any external observer, and it never links back to users. 

Portal Proxies can be used to hide Fognigma engines, sensitive resources, and more. This allows you to grant users access to needed resources without revealing their IPs. Portal Proxies prevent malicious users from compromising the locations of sensitive resources such as file servers, and can be deleted in seconds from the Fognigma web console. With Portal Proxies, your most sensitive data is safe from internal and external attacks. 

These are just a few of the solutions in the Fognigma product line. We offer additional solutions related to Internet misattribution, persona-based sandboxed VDIs, call and text misattribution, and more. 

Protect your sensitive data and company communication and collaboration. Contact us to learn more about how our products can help secure your company – no matter where you work. 

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The Telephony Solution Your Organization Needs

It wasn’t that long ago that email was the standard communication tool for businesses, primarily due to its convenience, popularity, and accessibility. In the United States, 76% of adults use email. Globally, nearly half of the population uses email, and it’s easy to see why. It’s straightforward, user-friendly, and requires little technical knowledge.

But as technology continually shifts and creates new cybersecurity threats, email correspondence is no longer a reliable solution for secure communication. With the increase in phishing scams and other email attacks, organizations must respond with a new communication solution.

Phone calls and text messages remain popular due to their convenience, but like email, they lack essential protection against popular attacks. When your organization’s private information is on the line, a secure communication solution is essential.

Fognigma’s cutting-edge secure telephony solution can protect your organization’s users and data.


What is Holler?

Holler is a fully encrypted telephony service within Fognigma that uses interchangeable SIP numbers from multiple providers around the world to disguise your users’ numbers and provide specialized voice calling and SMS configurations for any situation.

The best part? Holler doesn’t require any specialized, complicated software. All Holler features are configured through the user-friendly console with just a few clicks.

Key Features of Holler:

Fognigma Holler - Telephony Solution

  1. Voice Call & SMS Dissociation: Holler routes voice calls and text messages through multiple intermediary SIP numbers. This allows users to speak with and text third parties without revealing their true numbers, preventing any association between the true caller and destination numbers. These call chains can be modified or removed at any time in just a few seconds.
  2. Obfuscation and Global Misattribution: With Holler, a user’s true number is never revealed to a third party. Holler supports up to three different SIP providers, allowing you to configure Holler features with numbers from countries all around the world. This obfuscation is twofold: it hides user numbers and allows you to maintain a regional appearance anywhere.

Holler makes secure, simple, and user-friendly calling and texting a reality. All communications are end-to-end encrypted. Third parties are unable to find where a call originates, where it ends, or what’s said during it.

With Holler, your organization’s private conversations stay private.

Want to learn more about how Fogngima’s telephony solution works? Contact us to schedule a demo at our headquarters or have us come to you.

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Mobile Device Security: Four Attacks to Look Out For

According to Forbes, 60% of people use a mobile device for work purposes. As mobile usage continues to increase, so does the risk of organizations mobile device security. 

Earlier this year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ mobile device was hacked through a specially coded WhatsApp message. 

This incidence raises an important point: if one of the most successful technology companies is vulnerable to a data leakage attack, then so are other companies. Mobile security is a major concern for companies in 2020. Nearly all employees routinely access company information through their mobile devices. As with other forms of hacking, knowledge and prevention are often the best defenses against attacks. 

Here are a few of the most common types of mobile devices attacks that are hurting your company: 

1. WiFi Interference

Mobile devices are only as secure as the networks they use to transfer data. Network spoofing attacks continue to increase, but employees often skip securing their connection and instead rely on public networks. This leaves the door wide open for cybercriminals to steal private information. Connecting  to an effective VPN is a simple way to close these doors and save companies from data loss. 

2. Data Leakage

Data leakage, also known as data breach or data spill, is the act of releasing secure or private information to an untrusted environment. This happens when users improperly setup apps on their mobile devices and inadvertently allow apps to see and transfer their information – which is exactly what happened to Jeff Bezos earlier this year. 

Another great example is an employee tracking workouts at a company gym, revealing the headquarters location. 

Data leakage can also be caused by accidental disclosure. Due to the small size of a mobile screen, users sometimes select the wrong recipient when sending information. It’s a simple mistake, but the consequences can be severe. 

3. Social Engineering

Social engineering is one of the top causes of data breaches on mobile devices. These threats typically start with email. Mobile email applications often only display the name of the sender, which makes it extremely easy for an attacker to pose as a high-level user in an organization and fool unsuspecting employees into sharing sensitive information or granting remote access to protected resources. Employees should always be skeptical of email requests for system access or sensitive data. 

4. IoT Devices & Out of Date Software

Internet of Things - Dexter Edward

These days, the latest lightbulbs, refrigerators, thermostats, TVs, tablets, e-readers, and watches might have more in common than you’d expect. Many are part of the IoT, or Internet of Things. An IoT device generally refers to any internet-enabled piece of technology that you might not expect to have internet access, and often doesn’t require human operation. 

And when it comes to network security, that internet-enabled thermostat or refrigerator might not be so “smart” after all. Any device connected to a network is a potential threat, and many IoT devices have glaring flaws in their security, and often unsecured software and unencrypted communication.

Many of these devices are not supported with software updates – essentially becoming an open door for hackers. As the popularity of IoT devices continues to grow, it’s imperative that users understand their flaws and how they can compromise a network.


What  can you do to enhance the mobile device security in your organization? 

1. Implement a strong company policy on mobile security. 

This might sound like an obvious solution, but a little can go a long way. Incorporating security requirements into training, policies, and everyday activities can help ensure employees adhere to proper security practices when using mobile devices. 

VPN - Dexter Edward


2. Invest in effective VPNs that are easily accessible for employees who work on the go. 

VPNs provide a convenient means of accessing a secure network for accessing sensitive resources. When it comes to everyday users, sometimes accessibility and ease-of-use are the best solutions for preventing security mistakes. 

3. Enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) on necessary applications. 

Though mobile devices bring new risks, they can also provide solutions. 2FA provides an additional authentication step during the login process that requires a code that’s sent to a specified 2FA device. With this method, an attacker with access to a set of user credentials will be unable to sign in without access to the user’s device. 

In this new decade of cybersecurity threats and solutions, is your company incorporating enough mobile security practices to ensure its safety? 

Dexter Edward offers a secure, customizable, and user-friendly VPN service that includes communication and collaboration services, file sharing, and much more. 

Contact one of our industry experts today to learn more about how we can protect your organization in the new age of mobile security threats.

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Automated Cybersecurity Solutions

With the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced software processes come new cybersecurity risks. Hackers have more tools than ever before, utilizing new technology to automate their attacks on a larger scale.

With these automated attacks becoming increasingly sophisticated and relentless, it’s imperative to take prevention measures with an equally sophisticated automated cybersecurity solution. 

With the large volume of attacks automation and machine learning bring, your defense must be scaled to match. Automated cybersecurity solutions create faster risk prevention and reduces the volume of risks that require human attention, freeing you and your users to focus on the goals and tasks at hand. 


Fognigma’s patented software provides secure, sophisticated, and automated cybersecurity solutions needed to address these threats. 

Reverb: What private telephony communication was meant to be. 

Fognigma’s Reverb provides a traceless telephony solution with encrypted telephone numbers, extensions, and call chains. This ensures your calls and communications are hidden from the world behind the invisibility of Fognigma networks. 

Under the protection of Fognigma’s sophisticated obfuscation technology, your telephony communications stay between caller and recipient. Third parties can’t trace where calls originate, where they end, or what was said. 

With Reverb, your private conversations stay private. 

Encrypted Instant Messaging For All

Fognigma provides instant messaging chat servers within its invisible and secure networks, protected by cascading AES-256 encryption. This dynamic and user-friendly solution eliminates the risks of phishing scams, works on any device running any major operating system, and is globally accessible. 

The best part? It’s fully automated, meaning your organization can immediately incorporate encrypted communication and basic file sharing into its day-to-day operations through a familiar, easy-to-use interface. 

When it comes to the security of your everyday communications, encryption should be easy for everyone. 

Automated CyberSecurity Solution: Securing Video Conferencing


Secure Video Conferencing and Screensharing

Fognigma’s secure and encrypted video conference solution allows participants to chat and share screens. This is ideal for team-building exercises, mission briefings, and other instances where face-to-face conversation is preferred. 

This also allows your users to communicate with untrusted outside sources without risk to either party. Fognigma allows your organization to video conference between trusted and untrusted parties without risking the security of anyone on either side.

This solution features end-to-end encryption, is globally accessible, and works on any device running any major operating system. 

Share Files Without RiskAutomed Cybersecurity Solutions: Secure File Sharing

Encrypted file shares are one of the safest ways to store sensitive data such as company polices, intellectual property, company communication logs, marketing collateral, and many other important files. 

Using Fognigma, you can create an encrypted file server within your private network, allowing your users to easily drag and drop files or share items with external parties using a customized link. 

Users can also access the file share using protected virtual desktop instances for even greater security.

Automate VPN management and accomplish more 

Using Fognigma’s sophisticated, fully customizable automation feature, you can automate production and access to all of the components mentioned above. 

In minutes, you can automate a schedule that will build, manage, and destory a VPN with any of the custom components mentioned above, allowing your organization to focus entirely on productivity. 

These are just a few of the powerful features available with Fognigma. Schedule a demo today to see how Fognigma can automate security for your organization. 

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Online Privacy Methods

Protect your Online Privacy

As you venture out on the Internet, reaching and searching for information or as a portal for communication, one thing is clear: privacy is key. Because without privacy, anyone can intercept, analyze, and exploit your communications—and, eventually, the odds are someone will. It behooves you to take proper steps to ensure your online activities and conversations remain only between you and your intended parties.

There are many methods to remaining private online, some more powerful than others. Examining all your options will help guide you to make the best decision for your online security.

Private browsing is the minimal you can do to protect your online privacy

Private Browsing

Perhaps the easiest way to ensure some privacy online is flip that little switch and use a private browser window. Sometimes called incognito mode, private browsers hide some of what you do online, but only some. While exactly what they conceal varies from browser to browser, private browsers do have some aspects in common.

Many disable the browser’s history and web cache, hiding the record of what you are doing online. Often autofill will be disabled, preventing the risk of accidentally storing login credentials. Along that same thought, many private browsers will prevent you from remaining logged in to online accounts once you close the browser window.

So that’s all you need to be totally secure, right? Unfortunately, no. Though most private browsers clear your browsing history in the browser, a portion of it might remain on your computer or your ISP—bits that could be used to reconstruct your online activities. Also, a lot of their functions rely on you closing the tab when you are done. If you don’t close the window, the caches aren’t erased. As Hana Habib, a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon, points out, “A lot of people use private browsing just to hide their activity from other people who might use their computer later. . . [a]nd for that, private browsing does a pretty good job of protecting users against that particular threat.”

VPNs are one method of online privacy

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Another option for online security is using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs take your traffic and passes it through a VPN provider’s server on its way to your destination. With a VPN, your traffic and IP address are obscured, and your communications are encrypted. To an outside observer, you will appear to exist where the VPN server is, which is why VPNs are popular in countries with censor-loving governments (or for people trying to circumvent geo-specific website restrictions).

VPNs are much safer than relying on private browsing, but even they can have their drawbacks. For one, you are relying on the VPN service’s security choices. The big drawback of VPN services are their terms and conditions, specifically in regard to logging. TheBestVPN recently updated their survey of over 300 VPN providers’ privacy policies to see if their advertising claims were matched by their policies.

The good news is this analysis shows that only about 8% keep logs of your browser history (with another 9% aggregating your browser history with all their other users). The bad news is when those VPN services who log your IP address and timestamps (the where and when of your browsing activity). 40% of the VPNs analyzed log your IP address and 38% log timestamps of your activity. For a service claiming to keep your anonymous, those statistics are striking (and should remind you to really read all the fine print when trusting another company with your security).

Onion routing is another method to preserve your privacy online

Onion Routing

Onion routing is similar in some respects to a VPN in that your traffic and communications pass through another remote server. But, in Onion routing, everything passes through multiple servers with a new layer of encryption added for each server passed through. Each server only knows of the servers on either side of it, so, for example, the second server in a 3-server chain (that is, 3 servers between you and your destination) will not have any record of your IP address (or other particulars) or what your final destination is. Onion routing takes your online anonymity and security up to another level.

Unfortunately, Onion routing has a few drawbacks. First, because your traffic is passing through various servers in various parts of the world, it can be slow. This isn’t any fault of the Onion routing method, mind you, but rather the varying Internet speeds in different locations. Another drawback is, again, not due to the Onion routing method, but rather to those who use it to hide their activity. Because of some users using Onion routing to commit illicit or illegal acts, the whole system echoes with negative overtones for some. That is, people might suspect or associate users who just want privacy with users who are doing all the illegal things.

Fognigma Provides the Best Online Privacy


Fognigma is a patented enterprise software solution that gives organizations the power to build their own secure, encrypted and traceless networks and communications systems. Fognigma works by strategically leasing virtual machines over eight commercial cloud providers which function as one gestalt network. Inside this invisible, on-demand network are various communication components (VoIP, file share, messaging, video conferencing, and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) which are afforded the same protection as the Fognigma network itself: FIPS 140-2 validated, cascading AES-256 encryption with two distinct encryption libraries.

Like Onion routing, the parts of a Fognigma network only know of their immediate neighbors, so even if one part could be found, it couldn’t compromise the whole network. Also, like Onion routing and VPNs (which makes sense, since Fognigma is a virtual private network), where you exit the network to the rest of the Internet is where it appears you are located. However, Fognigma takes that to the next level by giving organizations the power to create multiple exit points almost anywhere in the world and users the ability to dynamically switch exit points (and their perceived location) with just a few mouse clicks.

Fognigma takes all the best privacy features, wraps them in a massive level of encryption, and gives them to organizations to build and run their own invisible networks, never having to worry about the privacy policies of a distant VPN provider or the ofttimes stigma of Onion routing. To learn more about Fognigma and how it can help your organization (or to schedule a demonstration), contact us today.

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The Problem with Old Encryption Methods

Encryption is Vital

Mission success depends on organizational data and communications staying protected. It behooves organizations, therefore, to shroud their comms and data with encryption. So why don’t they? Why don’t organizations and agencies rush out and implement at least some form of encryption? Why don’t they make encryption a top priority? Well, it’s not as easy as just pressing a button, but perhaps not for the reasons you think. Let’s examine encryption, some of the things that prevent organizations from adopting it, and some of the disasters that can occur without it.


Encryption is Nothing New

As soon as the first person had a secret they wanted to tell another, without the whole world knowing, encryption was born. (We’ve covered some of this before in our blog about Dual Encryption. Take a read for some extra background into the history of encryption.) Encryption of one form or another has been used to protect trade secrets, important communications, and military intelligence.

All encryption is based on ciphers — rules of reorganizing the information so its actual meaning is hidden from anyone who doesn’t know the rules. In a simplistic model, the ciphers work with special keys to lock up the data, and the same key (symmetric encryption) or a different key (asymmetric encryption) unlocks the data and allows it to be deciphered.

Since encryption was first born, however, others have been working hard at breaking encryption. And so, encryption methods have grown more and more complex. The current accepted standard of encryption is AES-256 encryption which creates digital keys 256 characters long. Brute force (i.e., guessing all random combinations) a number that size would take a billion times longer than the age of the universe.

So, encryption has been around a long time, which brings the question again: Why aren’t organizations adopting encryption for all their data and communications?

Encryption Costs Time

Encryption doesn’t just happen. A method must be chosen, procedures must be implemented, users must be trained, and then everyone actually needs to use the encryption. All this disruption to the current way of doing things takes time. Lots and lots of time, especially the “everyone actually using it” part.

Encryption adds extra steps to workflow and users are notorious for going around company policy if it slows down their work. A new report from Symphony Communication Services shows 24% report they are “aware of IT security guidelines yet are not following them;” “27% knowingly connect to an unsecure network;” and “25% share confidential information through [unsecure] collaboration platforms.”

This is very troublesome when incorporating encryption into your organization. For encryption to protect properly, everyone needs to be using it instead of finding ways around it. A report by the Government Business Council showed that of those Defense employees who admit to using their personal devices to conduct agency work, 94% say their devices have not been approved by the agency. Once again, more evidence that users are choosing convenience over security—choosing to save time over protecting the organization. Time, then, is the true cost (and problem) with old encryption methods.

Automated Encryption is the Future

In the future, encryption will be easier for organizations to adopt because it will all be handled behind the scenes. You’ll simply log in to a program (which will handle all the key exchanges and encryption/decryption) and let it run in the background. You will then be able to send encrypted messages as easy as sending a regular chat message—no extra steps needed. You’ll be able to encrypt files that only the specific users you selected will be able to open (even if the user is just yourself). And this encryption will be available on desktop and mobile devices, all working together to ensure your organization’s encryption.

Think that sounds like a pipe dream? Too good to be true? Too far out in the future? What if we told you the future was in the final stage of development and testing, and will be ready for release very soon? It has a name: Conclave. It has a purpose: to make sure you use encryption and protect your organization without all the extra steps. To learn how our automated encryption solutions can help secure your data, users, and organization, please contact us today!

Spawner Storm

Spawner Storm: An Introduction

Always Innovating

One key goal of innovation is not always to do something new, but to do something better. The process in which Fognigma communicates with various cloud service providers, leasing and building virtual machines, and uniting those machines to function as one invisible and secure network is new (which is why it’s patented). But we’re not content with just creating an amazing product and then resting on our laurels—we want to continue to make the product evolve into an even better version of itself. We are constantly checking our software and stretching our brains to figure out ways to make it more secure, more undetectable, and more valuable to the customers who use it.

Which is why we created Spawner Storm, a revolutionary and patent-pending method for anonymizing Fognigma Network builds and communications even more. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s first describe the issue and then we can showcase Spawner Storm’s technology and how it takes Fognigma Networks to the next level.

Even a Little is Still Too Much Association

When the Fognigma engine builds a network, it sends messages to the cloud service providers communicating the plans to build each virtual machine. Then, the engine continues to talk to the cloud and all the virtual machines. What we realized is because the engine has a set IP address, if anyone could discover some of the virtual machines and see the IP address that was communicating with it, they’d be able to associate all the machines. That is, they could tell the virtual machines were working together and then trace them back to the engine using the discovered IP address of the engine. This sort of association could possibly lead a nefarious third-party right to your Fognigma’s engine’s front door and, from there, learn where your organization is located, your IP address, etc. Even the remote possibility of this happening is not acceptable to us. We had to find a solution.

Suddenly, the sky darkens and thickens with a mass of water-laden clouds. Lighting and thunder tear the sky open and the rain begins to deluge down. The Storm is here.

dissociates communication

Unleash the Spawner Storm

Spawner Storm dissociates the Fognigma engine from its components and build requests like never before. It does so by leveraging our patented Portal Proxy solution. Portal Proxies are unique, on-demand URLs from which users access web services (including internal Fognigma components). Portal Proxies add a singular dissociative layer between the user and the web service (i.e., between the two communicating parties).

What Spawner Storm does is create a mass of Portal Proxies and then passes all the virtual machine build requests and further communications to Fognigma components through those proxies. In one test we performed, we created a Spawner Storm with 200 Portal Proxies through which to pass communications. At the end of the test, the virtual machine we were pinging noted contact with over 60 different IP addresses spread throughout clouds in various locations across the globe.

Spawner Storm ensures that communications between an organization’s Fognigma engine, cloud service providers, and all virtual machines are as scattered as possible to prevent any chance of association.

Working together yet seeming apart is one of the main benefits Fognigma can offer organizations, and Spawner Storm is the newest innovation to make that separation even more separate. For more information on Spawner Storm or Fognigma or to schedule a demo, please contact us here.