
What is Secure Remote Access? Understanding Its Importance

Remote work is now more common than ever. People often associate remote work with normal work lifestyles. Because of this, many businesses operate by having sensitive information communicated and worked on through the Internet. Having secure remote access is important and ensures employees can safely access company resources and data from any location. Read more on how this article will explore the concept of secure remote access, its importance, and how Fognigma can help.

What is Secure Remote Access?

Having secure remote access is a person’s ability to get into a business or company’s network safely in a remote location. This can be done through specific tools or secure network security. Secure remote access also makes sure unauthorized users don’t get into the infrastructure since having remote data available is more enticing to hackers to get into. Often, IT professionals can do this by encryption, authentication, and secure protocols.

Why is Secure Remote Access Important?

Secure remote access is more than just having a layer of protection. It’s extremely important for so many other reasons, including:

  • Data Protection: Ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and protected from cyber threats.
  • Compliance: Helps organizations adhere to regulatory requirements and standards for data security.
  • Business Continuity: Allows employees to access necessary resources, ensuring business operations continue smoothly, regardless of location.
  • Productivity: Enables employees to work efficiently from anywhere, increasing productivity.

Challenges in Securing File Sharing for Remote Military Departments

Being in the military is serious enough. If you’re dealing with file sharing in a remote environment within a military department, the stakes are way higher. Sensitive information gets thrown around daily, so it’s important to protect it from unauthorized users. Also, you can use permissions or some authentication methods, so you know the people you want to see the data are the only ones accessing it. Cyber threats can happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared for the worst. Managing data with collaboration from people across different time zones can make your information vulnerable to hacks.

The Role of Fognigma in Securing File Sharing

Sharing files remotely can be a little nerve-wracking, but if you work with the right people, like Fognigma, you’ll find these challenges can be maintained and much easier than previously thought. Read more about what we offer as far as solutions go.

Anonymous and Secure Access

Fognigma’s file server service provides secure and anonymous access, ensuring users never directly access files from a server. This adds a layer of protection against human error and insider attacks.

Dynamic Access Controls

Fognigma allows generating URLs with specific user access, which can be destroyed in just a few clicks. This feature adds an extra layer of security for downloading confidential information.

Intuitive Access Control

Administrators or IT managers can control user access to confidential files and folders through permission assignments configured in minutes using Erebus servers.

Encrypted Data Management

Fognigma uses encryption to protect data, ensuring only authorized users have access. This encryption can also remove access for specific users, enhancing security.

Layered Network Security

Fognigma combines various security measures, such as advanced login information and dual authentication, to create a nearly impenetrable layered network security system.

Utilizing Obfuscation Techniques

Fognigma employs obfuscation techniques to mask data and users, making it incredibly difficult for outside attackers to access information.

Practical Use Case

Most of the time, when you’re file sharing or collaborating with others, many users tend to be in the same cloud. This can sometimes cause slow page speed, interfere with data, and, most importantly, be prone to cyber-attacks. Fognigma can take things like VPNs to the next level and create on-demand, completely traceless instances. Using VMs from commercial cloud providers as exit points, Fognigma hides your organization’s traffic in the vast pool of IP addresses allocated to millions of people using the cloud at any time.

Best Practices for Secure File Sharing

Why is network security important? Keeping your channels secure and safe is easier than you may think. You should be good if you follow the basic safety procedures in secure file sharing. Here are some popular ones to keep in mind:

  • Encrypt Communication Channels: Encrypt all communication channels, including voice calls, text messaging, group chats, and email.
  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: Consistently monitor and update all systems to protect against the latest vulnerabilities.
  • Restrict Access: Limit access to outside users and conduct regular security audits to identify and rectify potential threats early.

What Enables Secure Sharing and Access of Data and Devices?

When you want to share a file or email, a digital exchange is involved. The wrong individuals can often intercept this process. When you enable secure sharing capabilities, you’re one step closer to sending your data or communication with peace of mind, knowing it’s going to the right person. This is especially important in military settings, where sensitive information is more vulnerable to unauthorized access.


Knowing what remote security looks like is the first step in secure sharing. Secure remote access protects sensitive information and makes sure you can communicate continuity, no matter where you’re located. Fognigma offers robust solutions to the unique challenges of secure file sharing, especially in remote military departments. By implementing best practices and utilizing advanced security measures, organizations can ensure that their data remains protected and operations continue smoothly. Learn more about Fognigma’s solutions and start securing your remote access today!


What Does a Network Security Administrator Do?

IT jobs are well sought after, especially considering how easily hackers can get into an online system. Network security is a great asset, so people like network security administrators are very much needed. So, what are these types of IT jobs? Read more on how Fognigma can explain network administrators’ duties and why they are important in protecting data, infrastructure, and more. Read on!

The Role of a Network Security Administrator

Most things you find a network security administrator doing is monitoring and protecting. Some key responsibilities include looking into firewalls, encryptions, and other security measures to make sure everything is up to code and doesn’t allow unauthorized users. If you’re a network security administrator, you’ll also be keeping tabs on network systems like CPU, RAM, and connection statuses. If a threat does occur, these positions are some of the first people to see if and should know how to attack these threats through specific regulations.

How Fognigma Supports Network Security Administrators

Fognigma has programs and user-friendly interfaces to help people like network security administrators and make their job just a little easier, especially considering they’re dealing with sensitive data. Here are some other things that Fognigma has that help these positions:

  • Automatic Event Tracking with Sensu: Sensu automatically tracks events for virtual machines in the network, performing regular checks on CPU, RAM, disk, and connection status without requiring manual configuration.
  • Scalability and Monitoring: Sensu supports Fognigma’s scalability, allowing administrators to monitor network and resource stress from a single interface. This enables rapid response before resources experience issues, preventing availability interruptions.
  • Cloud-Based Secure Communication: Fognigma deploys multiple communication and collaboration networks. Some can have a Sensu server to support various user groups. This is essential for organizations that require constant availability, anticipate network strain, and need to scale networks and resources without incurring excessive costs.

Why Network Security is Crucial

After COVID, hackers and unauthorized users have been able to access data more than ever before. Most took action to this by prioritizing network security. One way to do this is to hire the best network security administrators or engineers and have their skills speak for themselves. With the right staff, military departments can have peace of mind that their data and communication channels are protected. The demand for skilled network security professionals and what network security tools you need to continue to grow make it an excellent career choice with numerous opportunities for growth and advancement.

Importance of Having a Network Security Administrator on Your Team

As we’ve mentioned, having your online data protected is extremely important, especially in this day and age. Network security administrators are great assets on your team that can ensure your network environment is compliant and secure around the clock. All it takes is one little slip-up for a hacker to get all your data. To avoid this, get these professionals on your side and have them design, implement, monitor, and respond to potential threats, ensuring businesses run smoothly by protecting sensitive information from cyber-attacks.

What Does a Network Security Administrator Do?

It’s important to know common examples and case studies that you may encounter as a network security administrator. Read below for some common ones and what to do about them.

Maintain Software

Keeping your software updated and constantly maintained is extremely important in protecting your information. Sometimes, all it takes is a small antivirus software update, and someone forgets to do it, so hackers use this to their advantage. It seems like the simplest of tasks, but you’d be surprised how often these breaches happen because of software updates.

Make Visibility a Priority

Most may think that having their network visible makes them more susceptible to outside threats but believe it or not, many times, a threat comes in from within. Don’t worry, it happens most of the time by accident, but it still happens quite frequently. Companies can prevent insider threats by monitoring user activity within their network and restricting access to certain websites.

Restrict User Permissions

Make sure the right users have the right access. You don’t want someone in the mail office to have confidential information that higher-ups can access. Giving this limitation to most users in the staff is the safest way to ensure there are no internal threats. Upset or former employees who leak or steal company information pose a huge security risk. To mitigate this, companies should restrict access to only the resources necessary for employees to perform their jobs.

Establish a Security Policy

Another thing to do is ensure your team knows the importance of security policy. Training and performing security risk analysis are great ways to keep your employees informed about what’s going on in network security. Having a security expert on staff for users to contact when needed is also beneficial. These types of administrators often install honeypots to attract hackers and catch them. 

Backup Your Data

An important thing to check off your list of duties as a network security administrator is to back up all data. When a network crashes or gets hacked, the data is often erased. Regularly backing up data ensures that a single data breach doesn’t compromise the entire organization.

Third Parties Are Just as Dangerous

Outside organizations, such as third parties, can be dangerous by accessing your network and confidential information. This opens the door to creating more entry points for malicious attacks. It is important to evaluate third parties carefully and restrict their access as much as possible.


Overall, now you should know how important network security administrators are and why they play such an important role in protecting data. Fognigma supports these professionals by making sure our solutions are user friendly and help enhance their daily tasks rather than making it harder. By staying updated on the latest trends and technologies, you can continually improve your skills and stay ahead of emerging threats in the digital world. Learn more about how Fognigma can support your network security needs today.