Conclave Encrypted Messaging

Automate the encryption and decryption of messages and files with Fognigma’s team messaging solution, which incorporates a proprietary encryption system called Conclave to automate the generation, exchange, and management of encryption keys.

Automatic Encryption & Decryption

The team messaging solution incorporates Conclave, Fognigma’s proprietary, automated, end-to-end encryption system to manage the generation and exchange of encryption keys, eliminating tedious manual steps associated with traditional encryption.

Full Key Control

Keys are stored on-device and are never shared within the network. All exchanges are completed through proxies automatically for maximum anonymity, security, and convenience.

Global Access

Users anywhere in the world can access the messaging server using any available Internet connection. For additional protection, administrators can provide a unique Portal Proxy to each user to allow them to access the server without needing to know sensitive information.


The application version of Fognigma’s messaging solution is available for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux devices.

Secure and Seamless Messaging and File Sharing

Conclave simplifies and automates end-to-end encryption so content never exists in the clear outside of users’ devices. This prevents potential eavesdroppers from accessing sensitive information while it’s in transit. Conclave automates the manual steps normally associated with public key encryption, enabling users to maintain proper security practices without the addition of tedious, technical processes.


Scenario: Secure, Rapid Team Messaging

A representative from an organization needs to spend the day on-site at a customer’s location. During this visit, the representative needs to efficiently and securely communicate with the support team back at headquarters to resolve issues, exchange files, and provide status updates involving confidential company and customer data. To avoid potential intrusion, the representative and the support team use Conclave to communicate and exchange confidential files.
