Reverse Proxy

Provide secure, select access to in-network resources without revealing them or their networks with Fognigma's Reverse Proxy.

Anonymous Access

When paired with Portal Proxies, Reverse Proxies allow Fognigma network administrators to toggle secure access paths to network resources without revealing any information about them or the network, and without needing to connect to the network.

Partner Collaboration

Reverse Proxies enable Fognigma users to collaborate with mission partners without needing to allow them into the network or share sensitive information.

Easy Administration

Reverse Proxy paths for each Fognigma resource in a network can be toggled in a single click from the web-based interface.

Granular Access

Because Fognigma allows access to be issued on a per-user and per-resource basis, organizations can ensure only designated administrators can toggle access paths.

Enable Collaboration Without Compromise

Reverse Proxies exist at the edge of Fognigma networks and create proxy routes to resources within. When paired with Fognigma’s Portal Proxy solution, they allow administrators to provide selective access to Fognigma resources, without requiring users to connect to the networks or revealing sensitive network or resource information. When a path is no longer needed, it can be removed instantly.


Scenario: Secure Mission Partner Collaboration

An organization is operating in contested territory and needs to collaborate in secure channels with a mission partner to collect files and data from them. Due to the nature of the organization’s mission, user and organizational identities and relationships must be kept anonymous. To facilitate access and collaboration, an administrator deploys a Reverse Proxy in a dedicated Fognigma network to allow access to a specific messaging server.

Reverse Proxy