Portal Proxy

Disguise and hide online resources and access them anonymously without needing to know their location.

Anonymous Access

Portal Proxies anonymize access paths by acting as intermediaries between the user and destination, disguising connections within vast amounts commercial cloud traffic so the user is never correlated with the destination.

Rapid Deployment

Portal Proxies can be deployed in just a few clicks, are ready to use in minutes, and can provide access to any web-based destination without requiring users to know it’s location or IP. Admins can also require unique credentials or TOTP to access a Portal Proxy for additional security.


Using unique Portal Proxies for each user prevents snoopers and attackers from identifying the origin and destination of users' activities, allowing multiple users to collaborate via the same resource while appearing separate and in other locations.

Availability & Automation

Portal Proxies can be destroyed manually or automatically based on a schedule and availability can be toggled, allowing administrators to remove access during hours outside of operation.

Disguise Your Internet Activity

Portal Proxies are rapidly generated instances from commercial PaaS providers that disguise the location of important resources or any web-based destination. These instances are unique URLs that serve as paths to allow users to access sensitive Fognigma resources or websites, while ensuring there is no trace left on their devices. The destination web server never sees the Internet address of the user’s device.


Scenario: Anonymous Resource Access

An organization’s employees are traveling and working remotely in an unsecured location under surveillance. Due to the nature of the organization’s work, it’s imperative that the employees’ connection to the organization remains hidden to prevent corporate espionage. To avoid compromising the employees, the organization creates Portal Proxies to allow the employees to communicate with the organization’s servers safely.

Portal Proxies