
Customize and automate network security checks, anomaly and malware detection, countermeasure response, and more with Wazuh.

Comprehensive Protection

Wazuh provides out-of-the-box monitoring for configuration assessment, malware detection, file integrity monitoring, threat hunting, log data analysis, vulnerability detection, incident response, regulatory compliance, IT hygiene, and more.

Customizable Checks

Wazuh allows users to customize various security checks for system and application misconfiguration, malicious activities and indicators of compromise from malware infection, and more.


Wazuh automates security processes to provide 24/7 monitoring, preventive actions, and countermeasure response to threats, allowing Fognigma users to focus on operations.

Incident Response

When certain criteria are met, Wazuh performs out-of-the-box countermeasure responses, such as blocking network access access to endpoints from the source of the threat.

Customize and Automate Network Security and Countermeasures

Incorporating Wazuh into Fognigma Networks brings comprehensive, customizable, automated intrusion detection, protection, and crisis response to further protect networks and resources, allowing rapid response in the event of hostile activity.


Scenario: Crisis Response

An organization is completing an operation in hostile territory with extensive monitoring, and the nature of the mission requires close collaboration with local parties with limited trust. To help mitigate internal and external threats, Wazuh is deployed into the mission network.